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  • Writer's pictureThe Pro-Action Group

Lean Transformation Enables Smooth Product Launches and Drives EBITDA Improvement

Updated: Jan 12, 2023

There would be no “snow days” in the forecast for a leading manufacturer of plowing and spreading equipment. The company was preparing to integrate a new acquisition and to launch two new products. To accommodate this growth, a major layout change and freeing up floor space was required at one of its facilities. Despite a lean effort for over a year, the plant’s performance was lagging behind the company’s other sites.


Equipment Manufacturing

  • New Product Launches

  • Plant Layout Change


The ProAction Group reinvigorated the Lean transformation effort at the client’s plant with a hands-on application of Lean tools. We employed Value Stream Mapping to assess the opportunity and then began eliminating waste in the facility. The team used 5S, Visual Management, and Takt Time Management to streamline operations. Quick Changeover and Total Productive Maintenance were implemented to minimize downtime. We introduced metrics which allowed the plant to manage for daily improvement in its processes, including first-pass Standards of Work which eliminated costly re-work.

We led the Product & Production Preparation Process which ensured a timely and successful launch of the new products. The team employed a Design for Value approach with a focus on quality. We optimized the arrangement of people, machines, materials, and methods to maximize work-flow and minimize waste.

ProAction also supported the client in constructing their strategic plans. We guided the roll-out of Lean practices across the entire enterprise. We conducted organizational capabilities assessments and recommended staffing changes. We also recommended sourcing activities to support the company’s expected growth.

Actions Taken

  • Led Lean Transformation

  • Guided Product & Production Preparation Process

  • Supported Strategic Planning


The Lean transformation put the plant back on track to meet performance expectations. We reduced the labor cost by 14%. Changing the plant’s layout improved the work-flow by 32% and reduced the occupied manufacturing area by 25%, freeing up space for the production of its new products.

Measurable Results

  • 14% Labor reduction

  • 25% Free floor space

  • Successful New Product Launch


About The ProAction Group

The ProAction Group helps private equity firms increase investment returns by providing variable operating resources. Pre-acquisition, we quantify risks and opportunities, helping clients refine valuations, avoid bad deals, and prepare post-deal value creation plans. For portfolio companies, we work with management to identify and implement high-impact revenue growth and profit improvement initiatives. We focus on four sectors: consumer products, manufacturing, distribution, and business services. We have experts in marketing, sales, manufacturing, supply chain, and human capital development. We were founded in 1995 and are headquartered in Chicago.


For Further Information

Timothy Van Mieghem

The ProAction Group, LLC

Chicago, IL

Tel: (312) 371-8323

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